Fascial Manipulation® Certification is an opportunity offered to all the professionals who have the prerequisites to request it.
Fascial Manipulation® Certification has become a necessity for:
- protect the professionals of the “Fascial Manipulation® /Stecco®” method, who use it correctly;
- offer patients the method in its various applications;
- defend the verbal and figurative mark of the method, deposited nationally and internationally, from abuses.
Fascial Manipulation® Certification (FMC®) allows the professional to:
- appear on the official on-line list of “Certified Fascial Manipulation® Specialist”, published on the website to be contacted by patients;
- be a contact person in your region for requests for Fascial Manipulation treatments via social media and other communication tools;
- use the word mark of Fascial Manipulation® / Manipulation of the face® / Fascial Manipulation® / Stecco® and the figurative mark , on one’s letterhead, local signs, business cards and brochures for promotional use;
- be periodically updated free of charge, through the CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS INTERNATIONAL on-line page, where the Wednesday Webinars recordings and the pdf of the articles concerning the fascia and Fascial Manipulation® will be available.
Practical information
Objectives of the FMC®
The objectives of the Fascial Manipulation® (CMF®) Certification are:
- add value to the professional who has completed the entire training course (1st-2nd-3rd level), reaching the optimal standards of the method;
- ensure patients that the treatment offered by the Certified Fascial Manipulation® Specialist correctly follows the basics of Luigi Stecco, founder method, in its various applications;
- protect the image of the method itself, allowing the relative verbal mark (Fascial Manipulation®/Facial Manipulation®/Fascial Manipulation®/Stecco®) and figurative mark to be used only by professionals who are entitled to it.
Prerequisites to ask the FMC®
The Fascial Manipulation Certification® examination can be requested by doctor and physiotherapist who have:
- completed the I- II- III Level courses of Fascial Manipulation
How to apply
The enrollment request may be sent, prior to May 10, 2025, via the dedicated page of the website www.fascialmanipulation-stecco.com:
- Click on “Certification”
- Read and confirm that you have read the attached information
- Complete the online form for the creation of the personal account (only if do not already have it)
- After having received the confirmation email, go the platform home-page once again and click on “Certification”
- Click on the link “payment” to pay the amount of 500,00€ (VAT included) via credit card, which includes:
- 200,00€: secretarial and teaching costs for the exam
- 300,00 euro: for the license to use the brand for three years (contribution for the legal defence of the brand)
Should an applicant not pass the exam, we will give a refund of €300.
The exam
The exam will be held on June 6, 2025, in conjunction with the annual Congress of Fascial Manipulation®, and it will be evaluated the ability of:
- fill in the FM chart
- understand how to form an hypothesis based on information collected
- perform an examination of motor function
- perform a palpatory examination of the points
- determine the treatment strategy
- manipulate the tissue
The evaluation will be sent by e-mail to the participants within one week of the examination. On the same date the certificate of CFMS will be available to be downloaded from the platform, with personal username and password.
Where and when
The examination is normally carried out in June, at the Stecco Fascial Manipulation Institute in Padua, the day before the annual Fascial Manipulation congress, although the possibility of other dates in different locations is not excluded.
To access the exam in Padua it is necessary to register by May 10, 2025 on the specific page of the platform www.fascialmanipulation-stecco.com
For deadlines regarding any other possible dates and locations, contact the reference secretariat.
The cost of the Certification is 500,00€ (VAT included) via credit card. This amount covers € 200 for the cost of the monitoring and teaching of the examinationand €300 for the license to use the brand for three years. This will help defray expenses incurred for the legal defence of the brand name and logo.
Should an applicant not pass the exam, he or she will be given a refund of €300.
Update and revoke
In the case of serious breach, Fascial Manipulation Institute by Stecco reserves the right to cancel the certification via registered mail.
Every three years each Certified Fascial Manipulation® Specialist is invited to pay the sum of 300 euros (VAT included), in conjunction with the annual Congress in June, for:
- renewal of the license for trademark use
- continuous updating